Our History

Our History

Victory Faith Churches is a product of instruction given by God to Pastor David Aderinto in 1990 – He was instructed by God to go to Kano in Northern Nigeria and plant a church which will be a base to reach out to Islamic world and the entire world. 

In obedience to God, he left the Southern part of the country where he has been involved in ministry work for over 7 years to go to Kano even though he has never been to the Northern part of Nigeria before. The Church, Victory Faith Church was eventually planted by him in Kano. He and his wife Grace Aderinto led the Church until they were instructed by God to go plant a new church in Ibadan,a Southern part of Nigeria where they are presently located.

The Church was handed over to a team of leaders led by Pastor Leye and Sade Aderinto although Pastors David And Grace Aderinto still provides Apostolic oversight to the Church in Kano

The family moved to Ibadan to plant a new base church – Victory Faith Church Ibadan. Pastors David And Grace presently live in Ibadan from where they provide Apostolic oversight to Victory Faith churches worldwide

Senior Pastors

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